Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Goms, Switzerland, the World Cup in Cross Country Skiing unfolded with unparalleled excitement. The weekend spectacle commenced with a riveting mixed relay, where Sweden's...
SNOOW SKI WAX: Racing Toward Sustainability in Winter Sports
In the fast-paced world of winter sports, SNOOW SKI WAX emerges as a game-changer, navigating the transition from the banned PFC Flour ski wax to...
WC Cross Country Ski in Goms, Switzerland
Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Goms, Switzerland, the World Cup in Cross Country Skiing unfolded with unparalleled excitement. The weekend spectacle commenced with a...
Getting Ready For Marcialonga
This is our wax proposal for the Macialonga Ski Classics race. After the last two Ski Classics races in Toblach 3 Zinnen, and in Pontresina...
PFC vs. EPO?
Is PCF becoming a bigger issue than EPO? "Blood doping vs. Flour Ski Waxes" We have experienced a confusing process where FIS forced a decision too early to ban PFC flour...
Introducing Next Generation Ski Wax Brand SNOOW®
We aim to become industry-leading and make the fastest Glide Waxes for all ski disciplines.